Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, August 13, 2024
The Terrible Hurricane Will Come upon This Godless Humanity!
Message from God The Fathery to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on August 12, 2024

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit I bless you.
I am with you in this mission of fire.
Truth is in Me, Heaven is in action just a few more hours and the terrible hurricane will come upon this Godless Humanity: ...poor children, what evil you will have!
I am about to see your terrified faces at the moment that this disaster will happen. I have called, I have waited with love for your conversion, but I have not seen a single man return to Me from the perversion he lives, Satan has played well, My children have accepted him and are following him in My place.
It will happen soon, I have no more time to give because it may take away even those few who are following Me.
I am grieved, I am still sweating blood! You have rejected My infinite love for you, I will not be able to save you without your consent.
Beloved children, the terrible day has come, this time will bring you suffering and death, by your free choice: ...blind and deaf men, what will become of you? Poor children!!!
I am God the Father, the almighty God, I choose to intervene before everything is extinguished, I decide to save My children and set free those who do not listen to Me and deny Me as their God.
Behold, the first siren sounds, the sky goes out, it will be total darkness.
In the way of the Lord will be only His children, all beautiful, in white robes they will hymn new songs to their God Love, festive they will follow Him who created them and arrive where their God Love has destined them, ...a place of peace and happiness.
The Royal Garden is ready, the Gate is open for the passage of His children, the song of Angels and Saints will welcome God's chosen ones. Everything will be as decided by God the Father: love and happiness, new life and new everything for the King's children.
Source: ➥